
Five times a year, this committee delivers you the magazine of Semper Florens: the Internodium. Every period we start with a lunch meeting to brainstorm for the next magazine and to divide tasks. We ask some other members of the association to write something about activities they attended or just some ideas they had, and we have a fair share of our own columns as well. You all know and love the Plant History, How To Grow Your Own, Puzzle Page and Roadside Revelations. Furthermore, we interview first-year students (and occasionally international students), and we finish each internodium with the photo page. Halfway through the period we have a "gezellige avond" for committee bonding and in the end of the period we have two serious evenings of BladNL in Forum to compose and design the magazine. We deliver the internodia to addresses in student complexes ourselves but leave the rest to the mailmen. We are always looking for enthusiastic people who want to write something for us or who have some nice photos for the front page or colophon. Everything is welcome: poems, plant growing instructions, activity coverage, and both academic or casual. So if you have anything: contact us at

Joran van den Molen (chair), Selma Heijnen, Freek Stoeckart, Julie van den Boogaard, Demi Wiskerke, Eva Böckling, and Evi Kodde

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