
We of the Paparazcie committee are there to capture visible memories of all our nice activities of Semper Florens. Every activity is joined by at least one of us. You can admire all our nice photographs at the Semper Florens website or in the Internodium. Besides, once in a while we also make a beautiful poster for “het hok” of Semper Florens, capturing all our nice and funny memories! However, it is not a bad idea to keep us as friends, you should remember: acting clumsy or funny can also be registered with one click! Anyway, we all love making pictures and providing everybody with a nice overview of the Semper Florens activities!


Eva Böckling (chair), Maaike Dorrestijn, Brand Snippe, Julian van de Rhee, Celista Krijnen, Lex Bootsman, Daan Bouterse, Ingmar Boek, Annemarie van Bergen, and Anne Strijtveen


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