
 Cool that you're reading this! We are the master committee of Semper Florens. It is a very fun and diverse committee to be part of. The goal of this committee is to encourage the exchange of ideas and opportunities among BPW/MPS/MRF/MPB. Everyone in the international committee has different backgrounds, trying to integrate different people and make them feel more at home. To do this, we meet on a weekly basis coming up with different ideas relevant to topics related to plants. In the past we organized activities such as: workshops (hydroponics, insect rearing, rose stenting etc.), debates, free-topic student presentations and movie nights. Every period we try to come up with fun and innovative activities! We also organize the yearly integration dinner which is always a big success! We hope to see you at coming activities! 

Take care, 

The Master Committee, 

Mara Krenn (chair), Arjan Rijkenhuizen, Chantel Hoeve, Bea Jiménez, Ritika Mishra, Katina Medina, Henrique Canha, Lorenzo Ceresa, Ritika Mishra, Gwendolyn van Herpen, and Eva Böckling


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