Committee of the Month - December

Committee of the Month - December

One committee is chosen every month to be ‘the committee of the month’. In this column we tell about the activities and/or goals of one of the many committees of Semper Florens. This month, the SponsorCie. ​

The sponsor committee is responsible for finding and retaining sponsors. You might not have heard about this committee yet, since they do not organize any activities, but they are one of the most important committees of the association. The SponsorCie is committee of the month December, because they have worked very hard last months to extend the agreements with our sponsors even though they operated in silence. Our sponsors provide financial support needed to organize various activities but also other things like our periodically association magazine ‘Internodium’. In exchange for sponsorship we promote their company or brand amongst our members. This is not only a benefit for the sponsors but also for our members since the committee brings you in contact with your potential future employer. Furthermore, the SponsorCie helps other committees with approaching companies when they need a bigger budget, like the almanac committee, lustrum committee and the foreign excursion committee (BuitEX).  ​